Thursday, November 18, 2010


Everytime that I've been given 3 consecutive days off work, I've been called in on the middle day to cover a shift for someone, therefore breaking up so-called weekend. I was given wednesday, thursday and friday off work this week, which pay cheque-wise I wasn't happy about, but I really do want the break. I had a feeling that I would be called in at some point and lucky for me, that didn't happen.

I was looking forward to 3 days off to chill and get things done. Yesterday was cold and raining and I opted just to stay home. Waste of day 1. When I went to bed my throat started to feel scratchy and when I woke up this morning (afternoon) after a terrible night of sleep it was even worse. All day I've been feeling gaggy, a little runny, a little feverish, and just overall shitty and in no mood to go anywhere or do anything. Especially not in the cold, overcast, rain. Well I had a guitar lesson scheduled and I had to go. The extra $30 a week really helps, especially considering I earn it in a hour. But I had to walk to get there, and back. And I left my good umbrella in my mom's car. By the time I got there I was so cold and miserable I could've cried.

I'm really hoping that tomorrow will be sunny and that I'll be feeling better.

Now Playing: City And Colour - Day Old Hate [Live]

Friday, November 5, 2010

What I Say VS. What I Think

I'm at work. It's 10 to 9 and I'm counting cash and trying to close. Music lessons are coming to an end for the night (thank god) and I'm rushing to get things done so I don't miss the bus home. Guitar student's mother is sitting, waiting to take her daughter home.

Actual Conversation:

Customer: "What's that music I hear?"

Me: "Ummmm.... It could be a lot of things. I mean, you're in a music store."

Customer: "I hear someone singing. Do you offer singing lessons?"

Me: "Yeah, the singing you hear is coming from a vocal lesson."

Customer: "Who's singing? Is that the student or the teacher?"

Me: *recounting the money for the 3rd time because the women won't shut up* "It's both of them, together."

Customer: "Oh I love that song!"

Me: "I don't know what it is, but it's driving me nuts quite honestly. I've been hearing it over and over all day and it's annoying."

Customer: "It's Lady Gaga, Monster Ball."

Me: "OH. WELL." *makes a face*

Customer: *now humming and singing along* "I love this song. I love Lady Gaga. Isn't she great?"

Me: *silence*

Customer: "My daughter dressed up as Lady Gaga for halloween and it was just great. She had the sun glasses and everything. And everyone knew who she was. It was just great.... just great."

Me: "Mmmhmm."

What I'm actually thinking:

Customer: "What's that music I hear?"

Me: "What the fuck do you think it is? Look around you, dumbass."

Customer: "I hear someone singing. Do you offer singing lessons?"

Me: "I don't know. Why don't you just look at the sign directly in front of your face."

Customer: "Who's singing? Is that the student or the teacher?"

Me: *recounting the money for the 3rd time because the women won't shut up* "Shut the fuck up. I'm busy."

Customer: "Oh I love that song!"


Customer: "It's Lady Gaga, Monster Ball."


Customer: *now humming and singing along* "I love this song. I love Lady Gaga. Isn't she great?"

Me: "I don't know. Why don't you go find her?"

Customer: "My daughter dressed up as Lady Gaga for halloween and it was just great. She had the sun glasses and everything. And everyone knew who she was. It was just great.... just great."

Me: *reaches for the bottle of chloroform."

Maybe customer service isn't for me.