Sunday, January 30, 2011

Winter/Spring 2011 Playlist

This is a short one. 11 songs that for one reason or another remind me of this time of year. You know, when the sun is shining, and the snow is slowly starting to melt, but it's still cold enough to see your breath.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

This is what I've been up to lately....

1. Work :(
Work has taken over my life. I feel like I'm never home. It's depressing. I'm the biggest homebody you'll ever meet. My house feels like a hotel. I come here to sleep and never get to enjoy my space or my family or my things. And after every two weeks of misery I get a piece of paper that essentially laughs in my face. All this running around, and exhaustion and sadness, and nothing to show for it. "So there goes my life..."

2. CSI: Miami
When I am home, I've been completely addicted to CSI: Miami. Like seriously addicted like crack. I've watched it on TV for the past little while whenever I could catch it but never realised it was actually a series. So I randomly downloaded season 7 just to have a few episodes to watch and became 100% hooked. I've fallen in love with the ultra sexy Eric Delko (played by Adam Rodriguez) and become obsessed with the story line and Eric and Calleighs relationship. I know, I know, this is turning into a soap opera and I'm acting like a total girly girl. Get over it. I'm currently downloading the rest of the series and plan on watching it all starting from season 1.

3. Vet Bills
Joey got really sick this week, my poor little dude. It's always something with him. I feel realy bad, and this one in particular scared the crap out of me. He starting peeing blood. Like not pink, but literally gushing blood. Luckily it turned out just to be a nasty bladder infection which we now have under control. I have to work for 3 weeks to make up what I spent at the vet this week. But none of that matters as long as he's okay.

4. Cell Phone Shopping
I'm due for an upgrade and am totally clueless as to what I want. iPhone? Blackberry? Something else? Yeah yeah, boo hoo. First world problem. Least of my worries right now.

5. Puppy shopping
I know this is stupid given all the above issues, but I want another puppy and I'm kind of stuck on what to do. Morally, I support adoption 100% but A) I'm having a hard time finding what I want in a shelter, and B) I'm worried that a shelter dog will run into all the same health complications as Joey. Nothing is guaranteed when you don't know the dog's past. But I have a hard justifying giving a breeder some obscene amount of money when there are so many homeless pets. I want a small puppy. Under 20lbs for sure, preferably even under 15lbs. Nothing white or bouncy (no bichons, poodles, etc.) I want a young pup that I can have a lot of time with. I like the mutty look of a norfolk or border terrier. But most importantly, it has to be healthy. Please help if you can!

Well I'm tired of talking (typing) and if somehow you've made it to this point, I'm sure you're tired of listening (reading).

Until next time,


Now Playing: Coldplay - X & Y