Tuesday, March 1, 2011

10 Secrets

Okay, so they're not really secrets, but because there's nothing on TV, here are 10 things you may or may not know about me.

1) On top of being a huge music fan, I'm a musician. I play guitar, I write songs, and although I know I really shouldn't, I sing when no ones listening! For a loooong time now I've been working on recording some of my songs but I constantly scrap them without posting them anywhere because I'm embarressed of the vocal take.

2) I'm a vegetarian... And I feel weird talking about it. It's been years since I've eaten meat but you'll never catch me preaching about it because everyone is capable of making their own decisions. And this is mine. But please just don't ask me why. If you have to ask, then you'll never understand it.

3) I have a major confidence issue. I never believe in myself. I tell myself that everything will work out, but I never really believe it. In the end everything usually works out fine, but until I get to that point I could really drive myself crazy. This happens with everything big and small. I used to think I'd never be capable of straightening my own hair (1st work problems, I know) but one day I just did it and it was fine. I used to make it into and huge issue in my mind. "If I can't straighten my hair then I'll never be able to move out because I won't be able to leave the house if I have bed head!" Over-dramatic much? My current worries involve getting my driver's license and just my future in general.

4) People often assume I'm a big stoner because of the way I dress and the music I listen to, and that's a STUPID assumption! I don't smoke, I don't do drugs, I never have. Yes, I like to drink a little here and there, but that's as far as it's ever gone.

5) I'm the biggest homebody you'll ever meet. I'd rather be lying on the couch with my cat then hanging out with friends any day.

6) I can hold a grudge forever. I'm not saying this is a good thing, but once you give me a reason to hate you, I will cling on to that forever and start nit picking and soon I'll have come up with 4000 other things I can't stand about you. And without speaking a word, I'll make sure you know exactly what I think of you.

7) I'm a Simpsons fanatic. I constantly quote the episodes, and apply they situations to real life and make references. I know it's totally nerdy but I just can't help it. Everyone has that one thing that they're a total dork about. I can think of at least 5 things for myself, and this is one of them.

8) I have a physical bucket list. A hand written list of things I want to do before I die. The list is constantly growing, and I am working at crossing things off. A lot of the list items involve music- seeing a particular band live, reaching a certain goal with my music, etc.

9) I have 3 identical pairs of Levi's jeans. Exactly the same. And they're the only jeans I wear. They are Levi's 524 Too Super Low skinny jeans in indigo wash. They can only be bought in the States and I can tell which ones are the oldest/newest due to the amount of fade. I just can't wear any other jeans. #loser

10) My favourite colour is what I like to call "t-shirt grey". I guess it's technically called heather grey. You know- the medium grey with white specs? LOVE! "Ooooh grey isn't a colour!" SHUT. UP.

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