Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Overheard At Work

So there I am sitting at my desk, listening to a little girl question her mother. I laughed out loud.

Little Girl: Mommy, why do you have two wedding rings?

Mother: I don't honey, this one is an engagement ring.

LG: What's that?

M: It's the ring you get before you get married, when you promise to get married.

LG: So what happens if you promise to get married and you get an engagement ring, but then you don't get married?

M: Well then you're lucky because engagement rings are worth a lot of money.

Hahahahaha what a thing to teach your 6 year old!

1 comment:

  1. hee hee kinda funny! But she's kind of right... only I've known a lot of girls that have given it back.
